GIVE CHILDREN A CHOICE HEALTH FAIR (LAOS) - $950*: September 2006 - Bob Graulich (Malawi, 1964-1967 & Malaysia, 1975-1978)
Give Children a Choice, initiated about five years ago by a Japanese American investment banker and his wife entirely with their own funds, is a US non-profit (501.c.3) whose mission is to build and fill preschools for children in Asia. In just a few short years, they constructed and staffed 12 preschools in Laos, with all development work and classroom teaching done by host country nationals (so that there is built-in continuity). The goal of the Health Fair, conducted in August 2006, was to enhance preschoolers’ health awareness and incorporate inoculations for basic children’s diseases into the newly established preschool program. The grantee performed two 2-day health fairs, the first of their kind, and hopes to replicate the model in ensuing years. CTRPCV provided a grant of $950, and Scotty King and Bob Graulich provided matching funds of $950, for a total of $1,900.
*Total grant $1,900, including matching donation from Bob Graulich and Scotty King