South America

RECYCLING PROGRAM (BOLIVIA) - $597.41: May 2007 – Bryan Evans (Bolivia, 2006-2008)

The project will improve local garbage management knowledge, skills, and practices, as well as to create a new and sustainable outside income source for local families while protecting the community from the health hazards of burning plastic.

A purchaser for the plastics was identified as well as a place to store the materials. The project outline includes:

  1. Teacher seminars and school workshops covering garbage classification, the three R’s, the health dangers of burning garbage, the impact of improper garbage disposal on the environment, and the specifics of the recycling project.
  2. Purchase of containers and materials for the recycling project and organization of recycling efforts.
  3. Collection and storage of recycled plastic.
  4. Sale of materials.
  5. Sustainable continuation of the project.